Safety couplings
이미지 Model Type Torque (Nm) Material Dimensions
Hub Bellows web
KBK/LP keyway 10~1,400 Steel - 보기
KBK/LLP keyway 10~1,400 Steel - 보기
KBK/LK collet clamp 2~500 Steel - 보기
KBK/LLK collet clamp 2~500


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KBK/LI inner conical hub 10~1,400 Steel - 보기
KBK/LLI inner conical hub 10~1,400 Steel - 보기
KBK/LA outer conical hub 10~1,400 Steel - 보기
KBK/LLA outer conical hub 10~1,400 Steel - 보기
KBK/CP keyway 10~500 Steel - 보기
KBK/CK collet clamp 2~500 Steel - 보기
KBK/CI inner conical hub 10~500 Steel - 보기
KBK/CA outer conical hub 10~500 Steel - 보기
KBK/BKK two collet clamps 2~500 Aluminium or  Steel Stainless Steel 보기
KBK/BKI collet clamp and inner conical hub 10~500 Steel Stainless Steel 보기
KBK/BKA collet clamp and outer conical hub 10~500 Steel Stainless Steel 보기
KBK/BIK inner conical hub and collet clamp 10~500 Steel Stainless Steel 보기
KBK/BII two inner conical hubs 10~1,400 Steel Stainless Steel 보기
KBK/BIA inner conical hub and outer conical hub 10~1,400 Steel Stainless Steel 보기
KBK/BAK outer conical hub and collet clamp 10~500 Steel Stainless Steel 보기
KBK/BAI outer conical hub and inner conical hub 10~1,400 Steel Stainless Steel 보기
KBK/BAA two outer conical hubs 10~1,400 Steel Stainless Steel 보기
KBK/EPP two keyways 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EPK keyway and collet clamp 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EPI keyway and inner conical hub 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EPA keyway and outer conical hub 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EKP collet clamp and keyway 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EKK two collet clamps 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EKI collet clamp and inner conical hub 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EKA collet clamp and outer conical hub 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EAP outer conical hub and keyway 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EAK outer conical hub and collet clamp 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EAI outer conical hub and inner conical hub 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기
KBK/EAA two outer conical hubs 3~500 Aluminium or  Steel Polyurethan 보기

* 카다로그 사양 외 고속 rpm, special 재질 및 허브type 요청 시 별도 문의